» 合伙人律师 |
- 李卫国
- MBA(Hong Kong), Attorney-at-Law & Founding Partner
- 教育背景
- ■香港国际商学院工商管理硕士(MBA)
- ■清华大学企业管理国际化总裁(CEO)研修班
- ■B.S. in Architecture from Gansu Institute for Irrigation Works
- ■B.A. in Law from Party College of Central Committee of C.P.C.
- 专业资格
- ■1986年首届中国律师资格
- ■1996年中国证券律师资格
- ■并有工程师、经济师任职资格
- 专业领域
- ■曾受聘担任甘肃奔马集团股份公司等数十家企业、事业单位常年法律顾问。代理民事、经济、商事、重大刑事辩护案件千余件。参与数十家企业股份制改造、上市等律师法律服务工作。专业特长:擅长处理公司改制、收购、兼并、清算破产和股东诉讼等涉及公司法、证券法、合同法及基本建设投资等民事、商事纠纷和重大刑事案件辩护。尤其对担任企业、事业单位常年法律顾问,具有丰富的工作经验和业绩。
- 工作经历
- ■曾从事道路施工、建筑设计与施工、基本建设投资管理、政府公务员、司法干警、专职律师等多种职业;
- ■甘肃经纶律师事务所创始人、执行主任;
- ■北京市金天伦律师事务所负责人;
- ■北京市华泰律师事务所管理委员会副主任;
- ■He has been legal counsel for dozens of enterprises and institutions such as Ben Ma AG, Beijing Century Bo Wei Electronics Co., Ltd., Beijing Zhong Ke Zhi Co., Ltd., Beijing Fan Hua Group Corporation, Connect Wilson (Penglai) Chemie Co., Ltd., China Literature Foundation, and Beijing People's Museum of Art. He has been appointed as independent director and member of supervisory board by a number of companies that are going to be listed on the market such as Beijing Rui da Time Technology Co., Ltd. and Qing Yuan Investment Group Co., Ltd.
- ■He has represented his clients in more than 1,000 important civil, commercial and criminal defense cases. He has participated in legal services to a dozen of companies in their stock company reforms and IPOs.
- ■He is president and presiding legal counsel for the Council of Tsinghua CEO club and chief legal counsel of www.linkceo.cn.
- 工作语言
- ■中文
- 联系方式
- ■手机: 139 1020 7546
- ■直拨: +86-10-5905-1091/5879 7178
- ■传真: +86-10-5128 9296
- ■电邮: liweiguo@BrightandRight.com