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Dr. Michael Liu Met Mr. Michael Schmittmann, the Famous Lawyer from Germany in Beijing

    Dr. Michael Liu Met Mr. Michael Schmittmann, Famous Lawyer from Germany 


    During the 2nd Chinese Enterprises Investment Conference held in April 22-23, 2008 in Beijing Sheraton Hotel, Dr. Michael Liu and Ms Hua Lin, Attorney-at-Law & Partner of BRIGHT & RIGHT®, had the honor of meeting the famous lawyers from Germany, Mr. Michael Schmittman, Attorney-at-Law & Partner and his colleague Mr. Zhenzhou Man, Attorney-at-Law, from Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, one of the largest 100% German law firms.


    These four legal professionals all with 100% German solid legal education background had a wonderful discussion about the topics of their common interest, which laid a good foundation for future cooperation between the two law firms. The attorneys from Heuking were invited to make a presentation on the legal issues for Chinese companies planning to invest in Germany during the special session dedicated to investment in Düsseldorf, Germany.



    Prepared and edited by Press Department of BRIGHT & RIGHT®