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Successful Recovery of Full Product Payment Swindled for Iranian Client by BRIGHT & RIGHT®

    Dr. Michael (Zuowei) Liu, Attorney-at-Law & Founding Partner and his colleague Linda Lin, attorney-at-Law of BRIGHT & RIGHT®, have handled the product payment fraud case with special authorization for the Iranian client, achieved the satisfactory judgment of first instance in Tianhe court, Guangzhou, and successfully recovered the full amount of million Yuan product payment swindled thereby for the Iranian client after the application for compulsory execution therein.  Representing our Iranian client, we feel very grateful with great grace for the timely report to the police by the business partner of Iranian client in Xian, for the timely seizure measure by the criminal police in Xian, as well as for the professional dedications by the judges in charge of case hearing trial and execution in Tianhe court in Guangzhou.  Without the strenuous efforts exerted from and by any of the three (3) parties, the successful recovery of product payment swindled thereby would have been impossible.



    Prepared and edited by Press Department of BRIGHT & RIGHT®

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